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[OCTOBER] The Witch's Cage!

Warrior! Find your way out of the cage
Your Task:
Show us the witch candle by designing it. Use symbols and if you like, colors, there are no limits to your creativity. You can find an example image in the forum. For a self-painted candle, you get 5-15 points, for a real, designed candle (picture with nickname!) you get 20-50 points.

Note: The drawing must be hand painted/drawn and photographed, plus a handwritten note with the nickname in the game. The same applies to a photographed object. Also, the link to the image must be added additionally in the post.
Digital pictures or pictures without names are invalid.

07/10/23 - 13/10/23 at 18:00
Publish your posts before 13/10/23 18:00 server time
More information about the event here and more about the rules here
This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Oct 7th 2023, 9:52pm)
Hexe Kerze
Die Verantwortlichen wollen das ich das Bild nochmal hochlade hier aber als Link über imgur oder ähnliches. dahe rposte es nochmal lasse aber mein obigen Post bestehen. weil falls die den Link nicht lesen können. z.b. gehen manche links über client nicht. ist es als datei anhang noch da. und will das es aufjedenfall in die Wertung geht egal ob damit gewinne oder lezter werde.
https:// imgur. com/a/0eDzw5x
hoffe so richtig das könnt ihr kopieren dann in prowser einfügen leerzeichen rausnehmen. sry für die 3 posts aber die wollen es hier ja so kmpliziert.
I really hope you can copy that and then paste it into the browser and take out the spaces. sry for the 3 posts but they want it to be so complicated here.
hoffe so richtig das könnt ihr kopieren dann in prowser einfügen leerzeichen rausnehmen. sry für die 3 posts aber die wollen es hier ja so kmpliziert.
I really hope you can copy that and then paste it into the browser and take out the spaces. sry for the 3 posts but they want it to be so complicated here.
The Witch's Cage - Part 2

Warrior! Find your way out of the cage
Your Task:
Make a list of the potion ingredients and send it to Liusaidh in a private message so as not to reveal the solution to the others. For each correct ingredient you get 3 points + 4 bonus points if they are all correct.
Bonus Task:
There are also potion ingredients hidden on our official social media channels Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Twitter! You get 2 points for each correct ingredient + 5 bonus points if you find all ingredients on all channels. Just stay tuned and check our Social Media posts daily, to not miss the hint!







14/10/23 - 20/10/23 at 18:00
Send it to Liusaidh before 21/10/23 18:00 server time
More information about the event here and more about the rules here
Rätsel auf Deutsch







This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Oct 14th 2023, 9:35am)

Warrior! Find your way out of the cage
Your Task:
What does the pumpkin monster look like? Paint or draw for us the creature that emerged from the cauldron. For a self-painted monster, you get 5-15 points, for a real, designed pumpkin (picture with nickname!) you get 20-50 points.

Note: The drawing must be hand painted/drawn and photographed, plus a handwritten note with the nickname in the game. The same applies to a photographed object. Also, the link to the image must be added additionally in the post.
Digital pictures or pictures without names are invalid.
21/10/23 - 29/10/23 at 18:00
Publish your posts before 29/10/23 18:00 server time
More information about the event here and more about the rules here
Oktoberevent teil 3
Hier kommt mein Bild. in 2 facher ausführung einmal als Dataianhang und dann noch der imgurlink.
Ich hoffe es gefällt euch.
Ich hoffe es gefällt euch.
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