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2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 7200 gold fine.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 2nd 2023, 5:07pm)
I want come back
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed .
I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
Please, restructure my XXX gold fine.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 21st 2023, 7:24pm)
- I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
- I agree that there will be a fine after the restructuring
- Please, restructure my fine.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 21st 2023, 7:24pm)
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed . I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring Please, restructure my 2261 gold fine.
Declined, your fine is below 2000g. Please contact guards ingame for a solution.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Apr 4th 2023, 11:12pm)
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 2300 gold fine
Re-opened at player's request. Restructuring underway.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (May 16th 2024, 7:33pm)
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
Please, restructure my 2000 diamond fine.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Aug 8th 2023, 6:25pm)
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my XXX gold fine.
Please add the required details to your post
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Aug 10th 2023, 5:17pm)
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my XXX gold fine.
Please add the required details to your post
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 91 gold fine. And i can buy also 25 diamond for extra pay (i have wife and children, i cannot buy a lot of diamonds)
Please add the required details to your post
Declined. Restructuring requires a fine from 2000g. Please contact guards in game for any solution if you don't have enough gold to pay your fine.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Aug 12th 2023, 12:36pm)
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
Please, restructure my 2000 diamond fine.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Aug 24th 2023, 6:01pm)
1. 1.
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 91 gold fine. And i can buy also 25 diamond for extra pay (i have wife and children, i cannot buy a lot of diamonds)
Please add the required details to your post
Declined. Restructuring requires a fine from 2000g. Please contact guards in game for any solution if you don't have enough gold to pay your fine.
Hello again.
All acount pays curses for 100 G and i'm also pay my 150g curse. Still stay one for 1907. We spned 500 PLN (real money for this), Guys please help with this. It's a lot of real money. I'm a soldier, dony have more moneys for this, i help people, one time somebody can help me?
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 27th 2023, 5:34pm)
1. 1.
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 91 gold fine. And i can buy also 25 diamond for extra pay (i have wife and children, i cannot buy a lot of diamonds)
Please add the required details to your post
Declined. Restructuring requires a fine from 2000g. Please contact guards in game for any solution if you don't have enough gold to pay your fine.
Hello again.
All acount pays curses for 100 G and i'm also pay my 150g curse. Still stay one for 1907. We spned 500 PLN (real money for this), Guys please help with this. It's a lot of real money. I'm a soldier, dony have more moneys for this, i help people, one time somebody can help me?
As the total fine was over 2000g, the restructuring will be granted
Hello. Thanks for Your time, let's do it![]()
Using third-party programs to automate game actions. indefinitely 2000.00
21.09.2023 00:01
- I agree that, during the restructuring process, any items, currencies, tokens, and other in-game valuables will be permanently removed from my character;
- I agree that I will not receive a list of deleted items and in-game valuables;
- I agree that, upon completion of the restructuring, a fine of 50-300 gold coins may remain on my character;
- I agree that the game administration may refuse to restructure my curse without giving any reasons
21.09.2023 00:03
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 27th 2023, 5:34pm)
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed .
I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
Please, restructure my XXX gold fine.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Oct 23rd 2023, 8:20pm)
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 2112 gold fine.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Nov 9th 2023, 11:44am)
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 300 diamond fine.
Money-changer curses are not eligible for restructuring. You must return your loan to the banker to be free.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 7th 2023, 1:14am)
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed .
I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
Please, restructure my XXX gold fine.

you have been restructured already, please contact guards in game!
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Jan 2nd 2024, 7:40pm)
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 7586 diamond fine.
1 agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 7586 gold fine.
1 agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my [7586 gold fine.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "- Toomi -" (Oct 19th 2024, 10:01am)
2. I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
3. I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
4. Please, restructure my 500 diamond fine.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 27th 2024, 11:23pm)
I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed
I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring
Please, restructure my 1250 gold fine.
Please help me

Your curse is below 2000g. Please contact guards in game!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 27th 2024, 11:22pm)