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Jester shop
hi guys
i don't know why the jester shop isn't reseting even after 1 week from buying goods
is this a bug ?
can i get a compensation ?
No concrete idea here, sorry but i wonder myself and dint figure out yet if
its day based "(like "refresh every monday") or time based "after 7 days") so
i would like to give you a
and would like to get more detailed info
(perhaps its item based as well, no idea)
Prices were revised, as well as the reset time of some products, in the Jesters shop
I think the item you want to buy got reset time change.
It clearly says they reset 14 days after purchase when looking at coin info
Maybe I am wrong, but I have the belief it will be 30 days to buy again, that was previously bought. Reset in 30 days. Though, I am not sure.
Use time smart , make a progress !
Dear players,
Limitations for most items in the Jester Shop are reset 14 days after the last purchase. (Except certificates, which reset after 60 days)
Keep calm, I'm a