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Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 4:59pm



Warrior! It's time again for something cool, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Days!

Your task:
Write a short story (in German or English) and have AI design the perfect picture to your story. The story however should play in the world of War of Dragons! Post both, story and image in our forum!


04.09.24 - 18.09.24 around 18:00

More information about the event series here and more about the rules here


Krieger! Es ist wieder Zeit für etwas richtig cooles, die KI - Tage!

Eure Aufgabe:
Schreibt eine Kurzgeschichte (in deutsch oder english)
aus der Welt Feo und lasst euch von der Künstlichen Intelligenz das perfekte Bild dazu designen!


04.09.24 - 18.09.24 gegen 18:00

Mehr Informationen zur Eventreihe hier und mehr zu den Regeln findet ihr hier!

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Sep 5th 2024, 10:50am)

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Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 7:31pm

the final figth between the 2 legendary dragons, sheara the goddess has choose a side

One sentence is not a story. This entry is invalid, but you may have one more try!

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Sep 5th 2024, 10:49am)


Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 7:40pm

A centurion named Mekden

Once upon a time, there was an elderly centurion named Mekden, known for his numerous battles and indomitable courage. After years spent fighting for the Empire, Mekden decided to retire to a small stone house outside the village, on the slopes of a mountain. He wanted to live in peace, far from wars and the responsibilities that had marked his youth. His dwelling was modest, surrounded by ancient trees and hills that in winter were covered in snow, creating a serene and silent landscape.

One winter night, a storm descended upon the mountain. The wind howled through the beams of the roof, and snow fell heavily, turning the outside world into a white desert. Mekden, sitting by the fire, watched the flames dance, reflecting on memories of the past. It was then that a sinister hissing sound interrupted his thoughts: a noise of claws scraping on stone.

He rose slowly, gripping the sword he had never abandoned, not even in his old age. Through the foggy windows, he saw shadows moving: they were giant spiders, horrible creatures prowling around his house. Mekden knew these monsters were dangerous, and their thirst for blood was insatiable.

Without hesitation, he barricaded the door and windows with wooden planks, but the spiders were too many. With a strength he had never thought possible at his age, the centurion faced the beasts with the same determination he had as a young soldier. The spiders broke through the barricades and poured inside, but Mekden, with precise and fierce strikes, managed to slay many. The battle was furious, and Mekden, despite the cold and exhaustion, fought as if every blow was his last breath.

The night seemed endless, but finally, when dawn began to tint the sky a pale orange, Mekden found himself alone, standing among the bodies of the spiders. The house was in ruins, but the centurion had survived. Wounded and tired, he stepped outside, where the snow continued to fall silently. He looked at the village in the distance, its faint lights inviting him to return among men. Mekden smiled faintly: he was still alive, and despite everything, his warrior spirit had never dimmed.

He decided that he would repair his house and continue living there, in that solitude interrupted only by the breath of the mountain. Because Mekden, the centurion, knew that peace was not the absence of battles but the strength to face them, even when alone.

"The image is in the attachment, I don't understand how to upload it
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Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 7:55pm

W mrocznych zakątkach Faeo zaczęły dziać się niepokojące rzeczy. Plotki o dziwnych zjawiskach i potworach pojawiających się na terenach przygranicznych królestwa Ludzi docierały do miast i wsi, budząc niepokój wśród mieszkańców. Wędrowcy mówili o znikających karawanach, tajemniczych błyskach światła na nocnym niebie i niespotykanych, przerażających stworzeniach.
Trejsi, doświadczona wojowniczka i mistrzyni miecza, nie mogła pozostawić tych wiadomości bez odpowiedzi. Jako jedna z najodważniejszych wojowniczek swojego klanu, zgłosiła się na ochotnika do zbadania sprawy. Wyruszyła w samotną podróż na północne granice, gdzie słyszano najwięcej o dziwnych wydarzeniach.
Dotarła do opuszczonej wioski, gdzie spotkała starego mędrca, który szeptem opowiedział jej o tajemniczym portalu, otwierającym się w środku Gór Mrozu. „To przejście do innego świata — miejsca pełnego ciemności, demonów i pradawnych smoków” — ostrzegł ją mędrzec, wyjawiając, że to tam zaczęło się zło, które teraz przenika do świata Faeo.
Nie tracąc czasu, Trejsi ruszyła w stronę gór. Gdy dotarła na miejsce, zauważyła świecącą wyrwę w ziemi, z której emanowała dziwna, złowroga aura. Obok niej stał Strażnik Chaosu, którego zadaniem było pilnowanie portalu. Trejsi bez wahania stanęła do walki. Używając swoich umiejętności bojowych, pokonała Strażnika, ale gdy portal zaczął drżeć, wiedziała, że to dopiero początek.

Przekraczając magiczne przejście, Trejsi znalazła się w świecie pełnym chaosu i ciemności. Na jej drodze stanął Demon Płomieni, ziejący ogniem i grozą. Jednak z determinacją i odwagą, wojowniczka powaliła potwora. Dotarła w końcu do serca mroku, gdzie natknęła się na pradawnego smoka, Erifariusa — strażnika tego przeklętego miejsca.
Trejsi stanęła przed smokiem z mieczem gotowym do walki, wiedząc, że jej zadaniem jest zamknąć portal i odesłać zło z powrotem do otchłani. Po zaciekłej walce, pełnej magii i ognia, zdołała ranić Erifariusa i zmusić go do odwrotu. Z pomocą starego zaklęcia, zamknęła portal, a złowrogie stworzenia wróciły do swojej domeny.
Wracając do swojej wioski, Trejsi została okrzyknięta bohaterką. Ale wiedziała, że zło nigdy nie śpi, a ona musi być zawsze gotowa, by stanąć do walki w obronie swojego świata. <img src="blob:" wcf_src="blob:[url]" alt="wysiwyg image" />[/url]

Invalid entry, missing image and please enter your story in the official server languages English or German. You may use translator!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Sep 5th 2024, 10:52am)

This post by "SweetSkieleton" (Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 8:07pm) has been deleted by user "Liusaidh" (Thursday, September 5th 2024, 10:53am) with the following reason: double


Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 8:54pm

War of Fire and Earth: The Tale of Magmars and Humans

Prologue: The Awakening of Chaos

In the ancient world of Faeo, two races had long stood in opposition: the formidable Magmars, born from the deep volcanos, and the resilient Humans, who thrived in lands lush with trees, grass, and flowers. For centuries, an uneasy peace was maintained, with the Islands of Eternal Frost—a frozen archipelago separating the Magmars’ scorching lands from the Humans’ verdant territories—acting as a natural barrier between the two civilizations.

But peace is a fragile thing, easily shattered.

High above in the heavens, Sheara, the great dragon goddess, stirred from her eternal slumber deep within the heart of Faeo. Her scales shimmered with every color of the storm, and her eyes blazed with the power of both creation and destruction. For eons, Sheara had watched over Faeo, ensuring the delicate balance between order and chaos. But now, the winds of change carried with them a prophecy—a prophecy that foretold a cataclysmic war, one that would reshape the world and determine the fate of all its inhabitants.

The time had come for fire and earth to clash.

Chapter 1: The Call to Arms

In the blazing heart of Dartrong, the city of the Magmars, preparations for war were in full swing. The city, built in a ring of active volcanoes, glowed with an ever-present fiery light. Rivers of molten lava flowed through its streets, and the air shimmered with heat.

Gidver, the leader of the Magmar forces, stood at the edge of the Great Forge, where the finest weapons in all of Faeo were crafted. He was a towering figure, his skin the color of cooling magma, his eyes glowing like embers. He had led his people through many trials, but he knew that this war would be their greatest challenge yet.

"Striagorn!" Gidver called out, his voice echoing through the forge.

From the shadows of the volcanoes emerged a massive form. Striagorn, the great red dragon, had guarded Dartrong for millennia. His scales were the color of molten iron, and his breath was a searing inferno. As he approached, the ground trembled beneath his weight.

"Gidver," rumbled Striagorn, lowering his head to meet the Magmar leader's gaze. "The time has come, hasn't it?"

"Yes," Gidver replied, his tone grim. "The Humans are preparing for war. They march even now, crossing the Abode Ice Islands to reach our lands. We must be ready to stop them."

Striagorn's eyes narrowed. "They dare cross the ice? They will find only death in our flames."

"Do not underestimate them," Gidver warned. "The Humans are tenacious, and they have their own strength. But with you on our side, and with the might of our people, we will burn them from our lands."

Meanwhile, far to the north, in the city of O'Delvays, the Humans were also preparing for battle. O'Delvays, a stronghold surrounded by lush forests and rolling meadows, stood tall against the backdrop of nature’s beauty. The air was filled with the scent of pine and wildflowers, and the walls of the city were built from stone and wood, sturdy and strong.

Damirus, the leader of the Human forces, stood atop the highest tower, gazing out at the distant horizon where the ice islands lay. He was a seasoned warrior, his face marked by countless battles. His armor, a masterpiece of northern craftsmanship, was forged from steel and adorned with symbols of protection and strength.

"Erifarius!" Damirus called out, his voice carrying on the wind.

A shadow passed over him, and moments later, a great white dragon descended from the sky. Erifarius, the guardian of O'Delvays, was as majestic as he was powerful. His scales were as white as the purest snow, and his wings cast a wide shadow over the city below.

"Damirus," Erifarius greeted the Human leader, his voice deep and resonant. "The time has come."

"Yes," Damirus replied, his expression hardening. "The Magmars march to war, and we must meet them on the battlefield. We cannot allow their fire to consume our lands."

Erifarius nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I will lead our forces across the Islands of Eternal Frost. The journey will be perilous, but we will reach the lands of the Magmars and bring them the wrath of the north."

Damirus tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword, Heartseeker, feeling the reassuring weight of its enchanted blade. "We will fight with all we have. The fate of Faeo depends on it."


Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 8:55pm

Chapter 2: The Perilous Crossing

The journey across the Abode Ice Islands was fraught with danger. The islands, a frozen chain that separated the Human lands from the realms of the Magmars, were a place of treacherous beauty. Towering icebergs loomed over narrow passages, and the frozen sea beneath was a constant threat, ready to claim any who dared to cross its brittle surface.

But the Human army pressed on, led by Damirus and guided by Erifarius, who soared above them, his keen eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The cold was biting, but the Humans, accuomed to the temperate climates of their homeland, were resilient. They knew they could not turn back.

As they traversed the islands, the Humans faced not only the harsh elements but also the dark magic of the Magmar witch, Brugilda. Loyal servants of the Magmars, they had foreseen the Humans' advance. From their hidden lair deep in the mountains of Dartrong, they cast sinister spells upon the ice, summoning blizzards and creating illusions to confuse and mislead the Human forces.

"Hold your ground!" Damirus shouted, his voice barely audible over the howling wind. "Do not let their magic break your spirit!"

The Humans pressed on, their determination as unyielding as the earth beneath their feet. Erifarius flew ahead, his breath carving paths through the storm, his presence a beacon of hope. But the witch magic was strong, and they began to summon creatures from the depths of the ice—yeti, towering beings of ice and dark sorcery.

The Humans fought valiantly, their swords and spears striking at the snowy forms of the yeti, but for every creature they shattered, another seemed to rise in its place. It was as if the very ice was against them, testing their resolve with every step.

But Damirus refused to yield. With Erifarius by his side, the Humans pushed through the storm, their will unbroken. Slowly but surely, they made their way across the treacherous ice islands, their eyes set on the fiery lands of the Magmars that awaited them on the other side.

Chapter 3: The Clash of Titans

As the Human army emerged from the Islands of Eternal Frost, they were met with the blazing heat of the Magmar lands. The transition from cold to scorching heat was jarring, but the Humans were resolute. Before them lay the city of Dartrong, a fortress of fire and stone, where the Magmar forces awaited.

Gidver stood at the gates of Dartrong, flanked by his warriors, their bodies glowing with the heat of the lava that flowed beneath their skin. Above them, Striagorn circled, his eyes locked on the advancing Humans. The sky above was a darkened red, the sun obscured by ash and smoke from the surrounding volcanoes.

"This is where it ends," Gidver muttered, his gaze fixed on Damirus, who led the Human army from the front.

Damirus stopped a short distance from the gates, his sword drawn, its blade gleaming in the firelight. "Gidver! Today, we end this war!"

Gidver raised his hammer, a weapon forged from the heart of a volcano. "You will find no mercy here, Human. Our fire will consume you."

At that moment, Striagorn and Erifarius roared, their voices shaking the very earth as they took to the sky. The great dragons clashed in mid-air, a storm of fire and frost erupting between them. Their battle was a sight to behold, two titans locked in a struggle that mirrored the war below.

On the ground, the two armies collided. The Magmars fought with the fury of the earth itself, their weapons blazing with molten fire. The Humans met them with the strength of the land, their swords and shields forged from the finest steel, their determination as solid as the mountains they hailed from.

The battle raged for hours, neither side willing to give an inch. The earth shook with the force of their conflict, and the sky was lit by the fiery breath of the dragons above. Gidver and Damirus, leaders of their people, fought with unmatched ferocity, each strike of their weapons echoing the ancient enmity between their races.

But as the battle reached its peak, a sudden silence fell over the battlefield. The ground beneath the warriors began to tremble, and a light brighter than any fire filled the sky. Both armies paused, turning their gaze upward as a colossal form descended from the heavens.

It was Sheara, the great dragon goddess, who had come to witness the final act of the prophecy. She descended from the heavens, her massive form dwarfing even the great dragons Striagorn and Erifarius. Her scales shimmered with every color, and her eyes blazed with an ancient power that made the very earth tremble.

The warriors on both sides fell to their knees, their weapons dropping to the ground as they gazed in awe at the divine being before them.

“Enough!” Her voice was like thunder, reverberating through the battlefield. “This war has gone on long enough. Faeo belongs to all who dwell within it—Magmar and Human alike.”

Sheara’s wings spread wide, casting a shadow over the entire battlefield. “Let there be peace between your peoples, or face the wrath of the heavens.”

Striagorn and Erifarius, sensing the will of their goddess, ceased their battle, descending to the ground beside their respective leaders.

Gidver and Damirus exchanged a long, weary look. They had fought fiercely, but now, in the presence of Sheara, they understood the futility of their conflict.

Slowly, Gidver lowered his hammer, and Damirus sheathed his sword. The war was over.

Epilogue: A New Dawn

Under Sheara’s watchful gaze, the Magmars and Humans forged a new alliance. The Abode Ice Islands, once a symbol of division, became a place of face the monsters of these lands. The dragons, Striagorn and Erifarius, returned to their respective realms, but their bond remained. They had fought as enemies but would now protect Faeo together as guardians of the peace. Sheara, satisfied with the balance restored, returned to her eternal slumber, knowing that the world of Faeo was safe once more.
And so, a new era began, one of understanding. The fires of war had been extinguished, and in their place, a brighter future for all who called Faeo home.

This post "Lady Panquesito" by "ImNotACupcake" (Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 10:08pm) has been deleted by the author himself (Tuesday, September 10th 2024, 9:40am)


Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 10:22pm

The Fiery Wars of the World of Faeo and the Call for Unity

On the continent of Khair, at the foot of the Bloodthirsty Monster volcano, lived the Magmar race, renowned for their physical strength and resilient spirits. Their leader, Andelvan, sought to dominate the world using the fire magic inherited from his ancestors. However, the prophecies of the wise men thwarted Andelvan's plans. The Humans, aiming to prevent the world's end, hired the infamous assassin Goh Zanar. Zanar killed Andelvan and destroyed the Rod of Fire.

After Andelvan's death, the Magmars, fueled by a desire for revenge, began destroying everything in their path. The World of Faeo turned into a bloodbath. Only Humans and Magmars survived. Their enmity persisted through generations. Following these fierce battles, only evil and hatred remained in the world. The power of death gave rise to new creatures: Zombies, Vampires, and Skeletons. These beings filled the world with death energy. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, and volcanic eruptions ravaged the land.

Amidst this chaos, other races were also dragged into civil wars. Orcs attacked the Gnomes and Dwarves in Eltsian Vale, disrupting their previously peaceful coexistence. The Gnomes claimed the healing springs of Eltsian Vale, leaving the Dwarves with nothing. This led to war between the Dwarves and Gnomes. Eltsian Vale, once fertile land, turned into a battlefield of bloodshed.

The World of Faeo, once a place of majestic cities, lush forests, and clear waters, had become a realm of ruin, death, and decay. With each passing day, chaos grew stronger, threatening the world's destruction.

Seeing this, Sheara, Mistress of the Dragons, descended from the heavens. Saddened, she declared that she would create two great dragons using the energies of the Humans and Magmars: Erifarius and Striagorn. These dragons would help resist the encroaching forces of chaos. However, Sheara knew this solution was only temporary. The real issue was the enmity and hatred between the races.

Sheara gathered the representatives of all the races and told them that chaos was the true enemy and that they could only survive by uniting. Humans, Magmars, Orcs, Gnomes, and Dwarves listened to Sheara’s words. Yet, centuries of enmity were not easily forgotten.

Initially, distrust and skepticism prevailed among the races. But gradually, they understood the necessity of uniting against a common foe. By fighting together, they began to push back the forces of chaos. In Eltsian Vale, the Dwarves and Gnomes, once enemies, fought side by side to cleanse the land of corruption.

Under Sheara's leadership, the World of Faeo began to heal slowly. Humans started replanting their fields, rebuilding their homes, and looking to the future with hope. However, the forces of chaos would not easily surrender; many challenges still lay ahead.

The future of the World of Faeo now rested in the hands of its inhabitants. Building a future filled with unity, brotherhood, and hope or succumbing to the darkness of chaos was entirely up to them. Sheara addressed all the races: "The World of Faeo was once a place of peace and harmony. Yet, hatred and war sought to destroy this beautiful world. Now, you have discovered the power of unity. Maintain this unity and pass it on to future generations.

Remember, only together can you be strong. The future of the World of Faeo is in your hands!"

Sheara’s words touched everyone’s hearts. Humans, Magmars, Orcs, Gnomes, and Dwarves came together and celebrated their great victory. The World of Faeo began to be reborn. Unity and brotherhood became the new hope, driving out the darkness of chaos and paving the way for a brighter future.

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Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 10:26pm

The Assault of the Skies

In a world ravaged by war, the skies darkened as the two ancient races, the Magmars and the Humans, clashed in a decisive battle. The lands, already scarred by centuries of conflict, trembled under the weight of the armies marching towards their fate.

At the forefront of the Magmars, flames erupted from the earth’s cracks, enveloping their warriors in an infernal aura. With skin hardened by fire and eyes glowing with ancient hatred, the Magmars advanced with unstoppable force. Their leader, a colossal figure wreathed in flames, raised his massive axe, its blade forged in the very fires of the underworld.

On the Human side, the warriors fought with the desperate courage of those who knew the fate of the world rested on their shoulders. With gleaming armor and swords imbued with ancient magic, they withstood the fury of the Magmars. Above them, human mages cast spells that tore through the air with flashes of light, trying to halt the tide of destruction that approached.

But in the skies, an even more terrible battle raged. Dragons from both sides soared through the air, unleashing fire and lightning. Their roars shook the very foundations of the world, and their shadows loomed over the armies fighting below. Each dragon represented the power and will of their race; they were more than mere beasts—they were the living symbols of the eternal war.

As the battle raged on land and in the skies, the world seemed on the brink of total destruction. In that moment, the darkest and most powerful forces were unleashed, in an attempt to decide once and for all which race would dominate. But both the Magmars and the Humans knew that in the end, victory would come at a terrible price, and the world they knew might not survive this final confrontation.

The outcome of the battle was unwritten, and the heroes of both sides knew that only with courage, sacrifice, and determination could they hope to tip the scales in their favor. As the sun faded behind a sky shrouded in dark clouds, the war of dragons continued, in a struggle for survival that would echo in legends for generations.

This post "Legend of "Dzerug"" by "melikBEY" (Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 11:48pm) has been deleted by the author himself (Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 11:48pm)


Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 11:50pm

The Fearless Warrior MelikBEY and His Savage Skeletal Dragon Mount "Dzerug"

The Fearless Warrior MelikBEY and His Savage Skeletal Dragon Mount "Dzerug"In the depths of dark forests, beneath the shadow of towering mountains, there reigned a warrior known as the Fearless MelikBEY. Renowned for his courage and sharp intellect, MelikBEY was a force to be reckoned with; his enemies trembled at the sight of his armor, while his allies felt secure in his presence. But what truly set MelikBEY apart from other warriors was his legendary mount, the savage skeletal dragon known as Dzerug.
Dzerug was a rare species, a creature raised from the burial ground of the ancient Great Lizard. Long lost in the eternal twilight of the grave, this beast had been resurrected and bound to MelikBEY’s will. Once bridled and saddled, Dzerug became a fearsome force of nature, fiercely loyal to his master. Driven by an insatiable desire to reclaim the time lost in his sepulchral slumber, Dzerug obeyed every command with unyielding ferocity. When unleashed upon MelikBEY's foes, Dzerug tormented them with his razor-sharp fangs and poisoned them with deadly curses.
One day, MelikBEY and Dzerug embarked on a journey to the Black Forest, a place ruled by the brutal Magmar race. The Magmars were a cruel and savage enemy, known for their hatred of humans and their destructive nature. As MelikBEY ventured deeper into the treacherous forest, Dzerug's eyes burned with an intense fire. Everything beneath his shadow quaked with the cold breath of death.
Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed through the trees. Wild bears, under the control of the Magmars, charged at them from the heart of the forest. MelikBEY drew his sword, and Dzerug spread his powerful wings, soaring into the air. As the bears attacked with their massive bodies, Dzerug's bony wings sliced through the air, shaking the ground as he landed.
Dzerug unleashed his poisonous spells from his maw, weakening the bears. MelikBEY, with swift precision, struck down his enemies. His sword gleamed like a fiery blaze, piercing through the bears' thick hides. Dzerug clamped his fangs around one bear, shattering its bones and bringing it to the ground. Another bear attempted to strike at MelikBEY's steel armor, but he swiftly outmaneuvered the beast, taking it down with a final, decisive blow.
Victorious, MelikBEY and Dzerug pressed on toward the Magmar stronghold. As they confronted the Magmars deep within the forest, Dzerug’s dark magic poisoned their souls. With each swing of MelikBEY's sword, the Magmars fell one by one. Dzerug, driven by the fury of centuries spent in darkness, attacked the enemies with relentless vengeance.
In the end, MelikBEY and Dzerug annihilated the Magmars. The forest was now under their control once more. The skies cleared, the dark clouds dispersed, and MelikBEY's name continued to shine among the legends of great warriors. As for Dzerug, having reclaimed the time he had lost, he remained steadfast at MelikBEY's side, flying with unwavering loyalty.

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Thursday, September 5th 2024, 4:54am

Amargo of Annihilation

History repeats itself. It all circles around, or is it? During the dawn of chaos, many have suffered, bloodshed cause the annihilation of the other and creation of a new one. As time passes by, humans and magmars would unite to defeat the forces of chaos setting aside their indifferences that resulted withstanding the army of destruction. And as a new moon rises, whats left are those that would rebuild, and those that wants to make a change. Somewhere in the borders of the land of Ogriy and Khair, there lived a creature named Amargo in which it did not know how it got into the world. It has features of a human, an elf, a magmar and mystic purple scales on its few parts of its body. Confused with his being, he dwelled with different races, humans, magmars, orcs, dwarfs, fairies, elves, elementals and even the army of chaos. Studied every culture it could find and their nature, yet it couldnt feel that it belonged. on its many years of search, it stumbled upon a stone frozen cave. Using the magic he learned from the magmars, he melted the iced cap that covers the entrance. There it saw an inscribed writings of old. Cuirous, Amargo used its knowledge it learned from the wisest beings of the world and deciphered the inscription. "I'r wak b'ah tu, suh'n dek Ahnun, mar gho a nun khal sheara, ek val lu mak tun" It understand that this was a language of the old Gods that may have been frozen during in the war upon the creation of Gods. Amargo took a copy of the writings and fled as the cave was about to be collpase. It continued its search through each land in hopes it can understand what it discovered. Upon its journey, it met Striagorn. Amargo felt a connection with the dragon and communicated telepathically. Striagorn was in shocked and asked "What are you?". " I am not sure as to what i am, but i have a vague memory of what was". Striagorn offered if it could take Amargo to Shaera and find answers. Amargo then knew it was the right thing to do. They flew into the skies and reached the land where sheara resides. Sheara felt a strange surge of magic in her. Striagorn greeted her and said "we have a visitor, and might need a guidance".

Amargo started the conversation with "I knew you and yet i dont". Sheara felt something was off and the skies turned to the color of blood. Sheara casted its powers and resonated with Amargo. Sheara is confused if this was Amargo's doing. Amargo replied that it doesnt know if it was itself. Then the skies lit up and came down the heavens an army of unknown creatures ready to attack. Striagorn casts a loud cry to warn the lands and Erifarius heared it and knew whats was coming. The lands of Ogriy and Khair was confused but the wise of the lands know this was a warning, a warning of the end of the world. Invaders of the from the sky threathens the world of Faeo so Sheara sent a message to every living creature to defend themselves and protect those that cannot.

Amargo talked to Sheara and said it found a message from the past which Sheara's name was in it and it didnt know what it meaned. It gave Sheara the message and she understood. "To the future, an army awaits, amargo must not find Sheara or the world will end".

In the past, before The great god Or'veron casted tallar into non-being, Tallaar managed to send a fraction of his soul into the world in hopes that someday if it feeds enough war and resonates with a power of a god, it shall become him and open the gates of an enivetable doom upon the world. However Or'Veron knew this and sent an inscription that would one day be found, it may prevent total destruction.

Back in the present, Amargo felt something is becoming of it, a consioucness taking over its body. Amargo told Sheara that something is stealing its body, some god it doesnt know. Sheara knew that this might have been the warning sent. So she casted out all of her powers to freeze time for a moment and talked to the great dragons. "Striagorn, Erifarius, I shall offer my self to prevent amargo becoming something that could end us all", "Tell your people to defend the lands and after that, i will send your consioucness back in time for you to warn our people the danger that will come and find Amargo all over the lands to give it the answers that it needs" "Only then we can prevent the end of our time". Sheara fades into the light with amargo and the war that will end the world has started.
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