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I asked AI (artificial intelligence)
To war of dragons game admins; I have an idea to increase the participation of low level players in battlefields. This will bring players to the game for people who like this type of game.
A well structured proposal that can be presented to War of Dragons admins to encourage the participation of low level players on the battlefields and at the same time bring new players into the game:
Suggestion: Battlefields Tournaments for New Heroes
Goal: To increase the participation of low level players on the battlefields, creating an attractive environment for new players while encouraging competitiveness and learning the game's mechanics.
System Details:
Low Level Leagues:
Create special battlefields for lower levels (E.g. levels 1-5, 6-10).
This will ensure balanced battles and motivate novice players.
Participation bonuses and attractive Rewards:
In game gold for participants.
Special rewards such as equipment, elixirs or useful materials according to the special level.
Offer special badges or titles for actively participating.
Learning Missions:
Integrated quests or tutorials to encourage participation on the battlefield. For example: “Participate in 3 battles and win 1 to get an upgraded weapon set”.
Special Battleground Days:
Create regular events (once a week or once a month) dedicated exclusively to low-level players with additional experience bonuses and rewards.
Mentoring systems:
Involve high level players as “mentors” who can guide novices on battle strategies and tactics. Mentors can earn additional rewards for their participation.
Promote these events on social networks and role playing game communities to attract new players who enjoy PVP systems.
Expected benefits:
Increased participation in battlegrounds, especially by new players.
A more friendly and balanced environment for new players.
Loyalty of new players by providing positive experiences from the start.
Increased popularity of the game in the player communities.
What do you think? If you have additional details about the game that could enrich the proposal, I can arrange them.
Part 2 is below.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aymira" (Dec 9th 2024, 1:00pm) with the following reason: The following has been translated by moderator using the DeepL Translation website. (Please use English/German languages in the forum. If you want to use other languages, you can use the halls of language available on the forum.)
Part 2
Some of the ideas you gave me have already been implemented in the game, please repeat warofdragons information about battlefields and
The current rules are as follows
Number of players from your level group [3-4] in the inter-server queue :
Magmars: 2 / Humans: 4
Current battlefields: 0
You must queue up to join the battlefield.
Players at levels 3 to 8 can apply to take part at any time.
Players at levels 9 to 20 can apply to take part in accordance with the following schedule:
10:00 - 11-00 – registration for battle 1
13:00 - 14-00 – registration for battle 2
16:00 - 18-00 – registration for battle 3
21:00 - 22-00 – registration for battle 4
00:00 - 01-00 – registration for battle 5
When you join the queue, you will see how many others are in the queue ahead of you.
Attention! You may be moved to the front of the queue if it is not possible to form a battlefield from the groups ahead of you in the queue, or if their number is greater than the number of places in the currently incomplete battlefield.
If you are in a group, all members will enter the same copy of the battlefield.
All group members in the applications room will join the queue with their leader.
Combatants at the battlefields fight against players from the same level group.
Level groups: Levels 3-4, levels 5-6, levels 7-8, levels 9-10, levels 11-12, levels 13-14, level 15, level 16, levels 17-18, levels 19-20.
Attention! The time-out on the battlefield is 10 seconds.
On this battlefield participants get 350% valor for fighting.
IMPORTANT: on the battlefields in the event of a defeat you will gain 40% experience and valor.
If you leave the battlefield before the end of the battle, you will not be able to join another battlefield for 3 hours.
If you do not confirm that you are taking part within the allotted time, you will not be able to queue again for 1 hour.
Battlefield: Crystalline Caves (team size– 6 players)
Maximum battle time - 120 minutes.
Team’s goal – collecting crystals as quickly as possible to get the necessary number of points. You should unload your crystals in the trolleys at the entrance to the caves. For each crystal you deposit in a trolley, you will receive the following:
Red crystal - the team scores 3 points, and you earn valor and experience.
Blue crystal - the team scores 2 points, and you earn valor and experience.
Green crystal - the team scores 2 points, and you earn valor and experience.
To win: your team must score 300 points.
Victory: all participants earn from 6000 to 240000 valor and from 450 to 7200 experience depending on their level.
Draw: all participants earn from 3000 to 60000 valor and from 225 to 3600 experience depending on their level
Quitting before the battle ends: You will lose 6000 to 240000 valor depending on your level
All negative effects received on the battlefield will be removed when you exit the battlefield.
The exception here is if you flee the battlefield. In which case the negative effects will remain!
If you have negative effects, such as an injury, a curse, or a ball and chain, you will not be able to fight on the battlefield.
If you receive an injury, curse, or ball and chain at the very moment that you apply to join the battlefield, but before you confirm it, you should get rid of it, otherwise the negative effects will not be removed after the battle ends.
Attention, this battlefield is inter-server. If you participated in any battle on your home server, abandoned that fight before its end, and transferred to another server to participate in a battlefield, you will not
receive any experience, valor, or other rewards for that fight!
Part 3 below
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aymira" (Dec 9th 2024, 1:04pm) with the following reason: This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aymira" (Today, 1:00pm) with the following reason: The following has been translated by moderator using the DeepL Translation website. (Please use English/German languages in the forum. If you want to use other languages, you can use the halls of language available on the forum.)
Part 3
Proposed Improvements for Battlefields
Identified Issues:
Queue imbalance between servers: Low level players 3-8 may have difficulty finding active battlefields due to the low number of participants in the queue.
Lack of additional motivation: Even if the rewards are attractive, players may lose motivation due to the waiting time or the risk of consecutive defeats.
Time constraints for higher levels: 9-20 levels have limited registration windows. And this can make access difficult.
Deterrence for penalties: Penalties for quitting or disapproving participation are useful to prevent abuse, but can discourage casual players.
Suggestions for Improvement
1. Fast Queue Bonuses
Implement an additional bonus system for players who wait in the queue for more than 10 minutes. For example:
+10% experience and value per battle if the waiting time exceeds 10 minutes.
Small rewards for queuing (lifespan items or coins).
2. “Days of Victory” Event for Low Levels
Introduce periodic events with additional rewards for players at levels 3-8:
+50% value and experience for participation.
Unique rewards such as equipment, accessories or temporary items for reaching certain stages (e.g. completing 5 battles in a week).
3. Flexible high level queue (9-20)
Expand queue windows to make them more flexible. Recommendation:
Each screen should open 2 hours before the scheduled start time to give players more time to queue.
4. Battlefields Training Mode
Implement a non punishing training mode for low level players where they can learn the mechanics in a more relaxed environment:
No experience or value loss for defeats.
“Special training missions such as 'collect 5 crystals or participate in 3 fights'.
5. Balanced Equipment Bonus System
Create a system that automatically balances equipment at lower levels 3-8. This will ensure that players with fewer resources are not at a disadvantage against better equipped players.
The balance can be based on the average equipment level of the group.
6. Incentives for Completing Battles
Reduce penalties for quitting battlefields when players accidentally disconnect.
Increase rewards for completed battles (victory, defeat or draw) to encourage continued participation.
7. Weekly Mini Leagues
Create cross server mini leagues for low level players, where they accumulate weekly points to participate and win battles.
The best players can receive prizes such as titles, equipment or special temporary at the end of the week.
Expected Benefits
Increased attendance for Battlefields: Especially for lower levels where queues tend to be less active.
Increased in game persistence of players: Events and bonuses will attract both new players and those looking for additional rewards.
Game balance: Balance and training mechanics will enhance the experience for new players.
Game promotion: Regular events and weekly leagues will generate more interest and activity in the community.
Would you like me to develop any of these ideas further or adjust anything based on your feedback?
You said:
All excellent but some players in the game see it wrong to gain so much experience, players dedicated only to gaining value.
ChatGPT Plus
Thanks for the additional details. This has given me a clearer perspective on the needs of players. In many games, there is a difference between players who want levels quickly and those who prefer to maximize their performance in other areas, in this case value. Here is the proposal adjusted to include alternatives that respect the priorities of these players:
Adjusted Proposal: Participation System with Controlled Experience Options
Additional Improvement Suggestions
No Experience Mode (Value Only):
Offer an alternative mode on the battlefields for those players who wish to avoid experience gain but still gain value.
In this mode:
0% experience gained per battle.
Base value increase (+25% to +50% depending on level).
Restrictions: You can only choose this mode before entering the battle.
Customizable rewards at the end of the battle:
Allow players to choose between three types of rewards at the end of the battle:
Balanced Experience and Normal Value: Same as the current system.
Value Only with Bonuses: Reduction or elimination of experience gained, but +10% to +25% more value.
Mixed Rewards (Material or Gold): Exchange experience and part of the value for useful resources such as crystals, temporary items, gold or materials.
Special Leagues for “Value Farmers”:
Create a special ranking for players who focus only on value.
Weekly/monthly ranking with additional rewards (titles, special icons, etc.) for the best of each level.
Reduced Base Experience Increase:
Adjust the amount of experience gained in standard battles slightly, so that those who do not select “No Experience Mode” do not think they are leveling up too fast.
Example: Reduce the current 40% to 25-30% in case of defeat, while keeping the value bonuses.
Inexperienced Daily Quests:
Add specific daily quests to the battlefields that only give value, gold and materials and no additional experience.
“Participate in 3 battles and collect at least 10 crystals” → Reward: extra value and useful temporary items.
Advantages of these Upgrades
Increased flexibility: Players can customize their experience and play according to their own priorities of value or experience.
Incentivizing participation: Offering alternatives to avoid experience gain will motivate skilled players.
Balanced progression: Those who want to maximize value without leveling up will be able to do so without feeling disadvantaged.
Competitiveness: Weekly leagues and missions will maintain interest without penalizing certain play styles.
Example Application
Selection Screen Before Entering the Battlefield:
Normal Mode: Experience and value balanced (current).
Only Value Mode: Experience disabled, value bonus.
Mixed Rewards: Minimum experience, with reduced materials and value.
This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Aymira" (Dec 9th 2024, 2:05pm) with the following reason: The following has been translated by moderator using the DeepL Translation website. (Please use English/German languages in the forum. If you want to use other languages, you can use the halls of language available on the forum.)

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