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Friday, April 1st 2011, 6:29am

ludial armour

hey i was wondering, the way boots from chests are transferable and non valour-related (from what i've seen [by which i'm talking about the level 8 boots]) (despite the boots being from valour sets) is the armour available from ludial links (reflection cuisses, etc) also non valour? by which i mean where it says on the info in armoury "you must have champion rank to wear" or whatever it is, you don't need to have any valour rank?

just a thought as although it will take me forever to reach 300 links, I am collecting them with the purpose of purple armour, but i don't want to get to the end and find i don't have a valour rank to wear the reward?

thanks :)


Friday, April 1st 2011, 8:45am

You cant equip these without valour needed valour rank as far as I know.


Friday, April 1st 2011, 10:19am

It's never wrong to work on your valor as well. :smile: