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  • "Beuwolf" started this thread

Posts: 244

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Friday, October 8th 2010, 2:25am

Weeding Ring not working to transport to Spouse on Schooner Solgo

I did search and saw the thread about not being able to tele to your spouce when they already are on Fay-Go, although it has worked before the update. Now, I am guessing that this also goes for the ship Schooner Solgo, even if technically you not on the island yet ? (Actually I know it don't work since I just tried and got the same message as Almighty Titan did == A thick fog created by chaos hides the gloomy island and prevents transfers to using the ring. == )

I am fully aware that you are entilted to not reply but a Yes or No would be nice if this will be changed, since technically you not on the island yet but on your way there, and we all know that those peacefull iggies is everything but peaceful. :ogo:

Also, it would been nice if things like this had been announced so everyone that are married and has used the rings to jump to each other when they been in trouble on the ship or at Fay-Go knows it is no longer possible to do so and not get that suprise message. My wife got both her belts with a -1 due to this now, if we known that the rings would not been working to this location, I would been at the District waiting just incase she needed a hand.

Actually, since we are on the subject of transfers using the marriage rings, is there ANY other locations you are NOT able to use the ring to transfer to your other half ?!?!?

As I said, a reply would be appreciated. :smile:



Friday, October 8th 2010, 10:50am

You cannot teleport to any place in the ocean, so that is the case for the islands any ship and the underwater world.