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  • "LORD NOODLES" started this thread

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Friday, May 1st 2015, 4:15am

Guards Issue Warnings First

Guards to issue Warnings First

A total of 29 Votes have been submitted.


YES Warnings issued with process listed above from Guards (26)


NO Keep things the way they are, with no accountability to how things end (3)

The Rules may Change, but the process of "Investigating" never seems to alter with them. What does the word investigation mean? In-ves-ti-ga-tion

1.) A careful examination or search in order to discover facts or gain information.
2.) A searching inquiry for ascertaining facts; detailed or careful examination.

In the process, interviewing others, tracking the connections, finding enough factual evidence, and then taking all of that into account with computer data, make a judgement call, that is adequate, not overkill. Even in turn, issue a warning.
Yes there are people out here that abuse the rules, and there are plenty more that do not abuse them. Honest folks are pretty much unaware of a rule being broken, as the rules before adequately explained how things were to be done. Nowadays rules are posted, but they are broadly explained. There are no lamens terms, or a breakdown of how that intercedes with everything else. A rule stated applies only to that description, with no other instances cross meaning it to something else. If it is not stated in plain view, then whatever charge there was to begin with that does not correlate with the original rule, should not be issued.

Human or Mag Guards all have an agenda to follow, but there should be Mandatory "Warnings Issued" no matter what the offense. So people can learn from those mistakes. Without errors or mistakes, nothing can ever be gained in knowledge to prevent them again. A letter of "rule breaking should be issued both to the player and Clan Leader, if a clan is in play of that individual. Offenses cited should be dated, time stamped, and the nature of the offense with an exact description of the rule being cited for, and what action was flagged on their game play of breaking such a rule. Then a conclusion, to the process if needed to perform to remedy the issue at hand. Second and third offenses of the same rule broken then imply a basic fine and increasing charge from there. When an alternate rule is broken a warning is issued for that as well, and then charges applied thereafter in correlation. Those of us whom are Clan Leaders good chance we have a similar concept in play for our own Clan Rules, with warnings, and then removals. Its time to get the Guards to do the same thing. It is Only Fair !

Enforcement Personnel are trying to keep the game fair, so start responding fairly to your judgements. No warning issued with jailing should no longer be the only response. Enforcement has balance to it. When there is no balance, and one time your done etticate is implied, gives no hopes for people to want to continue playing this game. Being fair to one another plays on both sides of the fence. No investigation is ever one sided. And if it is, then thats not an investigation, its corruption. Having a an Admin for the department head is a Conflict of Interest. That simply means there is no intermediary role for someone to view an incident with a sense of balance, and only your guilty from the get go.

So lets make this a petition......... with a POLL response

Heres a little extra response requested....upon comments given below

For these 2 little YES & NO issues please put in your comments what you would like to see !

VOTE YES To remove the Admin from Guards Department Leader (Conflict of Interest)
VOTE NO To keep the Admin we he or she is, because their always right.

VOTE YES To permit a time period of a defense to be made
VOTE NO To keep it all one sided as it is, without a defense.

Fellow Gamers, Players, Clanmates, Alliancemates, Freelancers, and Friends, last I checked we all play this game to better ourselves along the way. Either we invest in the game or we pain stakingly do it all on our own. It is time to make a stand and defend what we influence to keep a corporate game going fo us all and its Owners, Game Designers, and its other acredited personnel. Many try to play fair, and when we make a mistake, there is no defense, so let our voices be heard once again !

Thank you all for reviewing this Discussion and your responses ! Lets make a difference together once again !
There is always room for Noodles!


Friday, May 1st 2015, 4:40am

I'm with you. But just like every other idea brought up - it always gets same answer. Don't like it? Don\t play the game.


Wednesday, May 6th 2015, 4:14pm

I'm with you. But just like every other idea brought up - it always gets same answer. Don't like it? Don\t play the game.

I don't think it needs to be said in this circumstance, people are more willing to quit, while this game gives good reason for it.

If people feel like encouraging economic downturn for this game, please, go right ahead and say "don't like it, quit" :P

@Lord Noodles
I agree 90% of what you have said. the only part to be concerned is.. hackers. with true hacking nature, hacks the game and manages to get 100's of gold. why should he just get a warning?
Otherwise, a warning system would be great for minor/medium severity offences.