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Issue with payments
currently there seem to be an issue with payments via paypal. Administration is aware of the problem and is trying to fix it asap.
Should you buy diamonds and not receive them withing 30 minutes, please submit a ticket to support via our support site. Please keep in mind to open the site via browser to avoid any issues with the support site.
In the meantime administration suggest to avoid doing payments with Paypal and choose other payment methods!
Thank you for your understanding!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (May 27th 2021, 7:58pm)
I made a diamonds purchased around 8 hours ago still not received them this is my contacting support here, I am tired of making posts to support for this issues every time I buy diamonds , It is to much of an inconvenience and the reply always the same generic one. I am done buying diamonds here!
Really sorry to hear that. Payments via paypal are very slow at the moment and even can take up to three days. Game administration is working on a solution.
Paypal payment issue
Paypal is not allowing me to purchase diamonds.Dear players,
currently there seem to be an issue with payments via paypal. Administration is aware of the problem and is trying to fix it asap.
Should you buy diamonds and not receive them withing 30 minutes, please submit a ticket to support via our support site. Please keep in mind to open the site via browser to avoid any issues with the support site.
In the meantime administration suggest to avoid doing payments with Paypal and choose other payment methods!
Thank you for your understanding!
RE: Paypal payment issue
Paypal is not allowing me to purchase diamonds.Dear players,
currently there seem to be an issue with payments via paypal. Administration is aware of the problem and is trying to fix it asap.
Should you buy diamonds and not receive them withing 30 minutes, please submit a ticket to support via our support site. Please keep in mind to open the site via browser to avoid any issues with the support site.
In the meantime administration suggest to avoid doing payments with Paypal and choose other payment methods!
Thank you for your understanding!
This is currently being investigated. Please can you contact Technical Support - they will be able to provide you with additional guidance.
For any others who may also experience this issue, please also contact Technical Support.
Paypal payment issue

Please contact Techincal Support, who will be able to assist you further.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 17th 2022, 8:50pm)
Sofortuberweisung payment delay.
First time I have issues with not immediatly getting what I pay for.
Sent a ticket but who knows when they'll answer. I just hope I get what I payed for quickly together with the diamond event drops.
If the lag and game breaking issues ain't bad enough, these delays on top
For issues with the relevant bonuses from events (including Lucky Investment certificates), please contact Technical Support.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 17th 2022, 8:51pm)
Amount is debited from the card, but is not credited to the game. It's not up to Paysafe!!! I've never had any problems there either. Since the support is very slow, you don't know when they will react.
Issues with PaySafe (and PayPal) have been reported. Awaiting further information - will post here as I find out more.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 17th 2022, 8:52pm)
Hello, the Support team may take up to a few days to respond. If you do not receive a response, please send me a DM.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 18th 2022, 1:11am)

Which bundle did you buy? Note: bundles for the chests in Autumn sale do not give diamonds.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Oct 30th 2023, 10:40am)
I activated the 200 diamond certificate for the second time on 04.11.2023.
I bought it for 50 euros Reliquary of the Looking-glass spirit. I did not get!!!
for the third time, 150 euros, which I also did not receive
Please can you submit a ticket to Technical Support
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 4th 2023, 6:11pm)
I first bought a battle pass ticket for 15 euros on Friday 03.11.2023>>>I didn't get a ticket!
I activated the 200 diamond certificate for the second time on 04.11.2023.
I bought it for 50 euros Reliquary of the Looking-glass spirit. I did not get!!!
for the third time, 150 euros, which I also did not receive
Please can you submit a ticket to I first bought a battle pass ticket for 15 euros on Friday 03.11.2023>>>I didn't get a ticket!
I activated the 200 diamond certificate for the second time on 04.11.2023.
I bought it for 50 euros [b]Reliquary of the Looking-glass spirit. I did not get!!!
for the third time, 150 euros, which I also did not receive
Please can you submit a ticket to Technical SupportI did ticket 2 days ago but no one answer

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