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  • "CrackerJack" started this thread

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Wednesday, December 22nd 2021, 9:18pm

Cursed Queen Celeste

Starts the fight with one of 3 effects, which last until the end of the fight: Immortal Force, Immortal Guile or Immortal Fury. The worst of them is Immortal Guile, if she has that effect, it will be easier to die and try again.

The Queen does not atack.

Court Sorceress Arcido [1] and Court Guardsman Glare [1] will fight alongside Celeste, while either of them remains alive, the Queen will be invulnerable to any damage. Arcido uses Chain Lightning and Glar uses Halberd Fencing, both effects are used at random.

1 minute after the start of the fight, and then every 15 minutes, the Queen will use Soul Whirlpool. Lasts for ~1 minute.

After both Arcido and Glare die, the protection is removed. The fight is divided into 4 stages (every 25% of Celeste's hp):
Stage 1 - Queen's move effect is used at random
Stage 2 - Celeste uses Royal Claws every 40 seconds for 40 seconds
Stage 3 - The Queen will protect herself with Dead Flesh effect
Stage 4 - Faces of agony, increases Fear by 1 (applied at random)
At the end of each stage, the corresponding effect disappears.


Spirit, atshi, punch (optional), 5-6 mana slots (2 of which are mana scrolls), 1 slot of healing scrolls

First, focus on Arcido, use magic to kill her as soon as possible (hit Glare and Celeste with physical to avoid wasting mana). When Arcido dies, start hitting Glare with magic. Then,when Glare dies, you can beat Celeste without much difficulty. During stage 2 use mana/heal scrolls to help counter the retribution effect. The fight is long, but easy. If you want to make it shorter, you can use more blessings (especially those that increase damage).

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 9:42pm)

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