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Sunday, July 31st 2022, 7:33pm

Reduced money from mobs 16lvl

hello, can anyone explain the meaning of reducing the amount of money from nepherto 16lvl after the update? Did they do that at other levels as well? Can the administration of the game answer what makes sense and what is it supposed to bring to the benefit of the players? At the moment, nepherto pays from 35-68s and in 80% it is about 45s, where before the update it was from 40-80s. :wall:


Wednesday, August 3rd 2022, 5:55am

thank you for fixing it


Wednesday, August 3rd 2022, 8:17pm

today the problem is back, please fix it


Thursday, August 4th 2022, 6:21pm

Gargoyle's used to play better too, they never fixed it. RIP

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