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Thursday, December 29th 2022, 10:13pm

[Football from Otherworld] Final Ranking

Why not post rewards for all who participated in this event,
according Final Ranking ?? :snowball:


Friday, December 30th 2022, 1:11am

The rewards should have all been distributed. The final rankings can be seen here


Friday, December 30th 2022, 7:00pm

So what were the rewards ? didn't see nothing.
Nothing by post and cause don't know the nature of the reward, i didn't see it in bag.


Friday, December 30th 2022, 7:10pm

The rewards should have all been distributed. The final rankings can be seen here

I know now as I knew before you said anything :puke:

Which is the prize for which place, please !!! :noo:


Friday, December 30th 2022, 8:03pm

The prizes are as per the page here. Rewards have been distributed by Admins into players backpack directly, so there will not be any mail or chest to open.


Friday, December 30th 2022, 8:41pm

Thank you !!!

Everything is clear to me now !

:worship: :beer: