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  • X_Stormwind_X

    Forum Noob

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Monday, October 28th 2013, 11:24am

By Dark Princess

Wow Storm, I'm your first ever entry in this guestbook! I'm truly honored my awesome friend! I just wanted to say thank you for being a good friend to me in game. You have been kind and respectful to me ever since we met and I thank you for that. And for what you said to me in FB chat I am truly touched that you said that. I really teared up because that's the most nicest compliment anyone has ever said to me. I do hope I find Mr. Right someday. But if that day never comes I won't feel bad because I know I have friends like you I can talk to whenever anything in my rl or game life is going on. Good or bad. Anyway, I hope our friendship lasts for a long time.

Your friend

Darkie :)