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Today, 12:53pm

Thread: "payments"

Today, 12:53pm

Post in thread: "Lag problem still persist"

Today, 12:53pm

Thread: "A Great Journey"

Today, 12:53pm

Thread: "Support"

Today, 12:53pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:53pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:53pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:53pm

Thread: "Lost Copper Horseshoes"

Today, 12:52pm

Thread: "Forester's Nightmare quest"

Today, 12:52pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:52pm

Post in thread: "question about book from old library on fay-go"

Today, 12:52pm

Thread: "Quest problem: First Blood (humans - lvl 1)"

Today, 12:52pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:52pm

Thread: ""correct" trade may sometimes look like a fraud?"

Today, 12:52pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:51pm

Thread: "errors"

Today, 12:51pm

Thread: "Problem with Sacrifice to the Great Dragon"

Today, 12:51pm

Thread: "Money for leveling"

Today, 12:51pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:51pm

Thread: "Bad conection on server never loadin fight not pic minerals"

Today, 12:51pm

Thread: "Kroffdars"

Today, 12:50pm

Thread: "valour potions and tallars"

Today, 12:50pm

Thread: "Buzzing Siege"

Today, 12:50pm

Post in thread: "halloween event"

Today, 12:50pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:50pm

Thread: "Compass error"

Today, 12:50pm

Post in thread: "help, how can i know which guidebook i have bought?"

Today, 12:50pm

Thread: "ALL_PVPweapon_nomonsterattack"

Today, 12:50pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:50pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:50pm

Post in thread: "Carnaval working or not?!"

Today, 12:49pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:49pm

Post in thread: "please price correct wanderer's belt"

Today, 12:49pm

Thread: "ST Pat ale became unstackable?"

Today, 12:49pm

Thread: "cannot turn fossil in to menachem"

Today, 12:49pm

Thread: "laggs"

Today, 12:49pm

Thread: "Why aren't we getting GB rep for fight in beach event?"

Today, 12:49pm

Thread: "Inter Server Battlefield Bug"

Today, 12:48pm

Post in thread: "Infractions..."

Today, 12:48pm

Thread: "Problem with upgrading pets."

Today, 12:48pm

Post in thread: "CC Battlefield"

Today, 12:48pm

Thread: "Can the item list in Library get translated back to English?"

Today, 12:48pm

Thread: "Account sharing"

Today, 12:48pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:48pm

Thread: "Clay Quest Bug"

Today, 12:47pm

Post in thread: "radiant crystal"

Today, 12:47pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:47pm

Thread: "Bug in talaars"

Today, 12:47pm

Thread: "Magmar Jason [13] - fight reward - lvl 11+ fight"

Today, 12:47pm

Thread: "cant see Current battlefields"

Today, 12:47pm

Thread: "Enough is enough"

Today, 12:47pm

Thread: ""correct" trade may sometimes look like a fraud?"

Today, 12:47pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:47pm

Thread: "regarding machine for bitter"

Today, 12:46pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:46pm

Thread: "cannot confirm for arena cc or tallaars"

Today, 12:46pm

Thread: "Glitch in the Arena :("

Today, 12:46pm

Thread: "Bug in Halls then outside"

Today, 12:46pm

Thread: ""correct" trade may sometimes look like a fraud?"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Thread: "Do Not clear Transaction"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Post in thread: "I won the fight but Defeated screen came up and items were damaged"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Thread: "Celebrate the New Year in Faeo"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Thread: "Want to keep my name but I entered the wrong email address"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Thread: "i lost valor"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:45pm

Thread: "Night Stealer Assignment - Kill the wizard"

Today, 12:44pm

Thread: "chest event"

Today, 12:44pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:44pm

Thread: "Valor Mistake"

Today, 12:44pm

Thread: "About ring/Divorce procedure"

Today, 12:44pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:44pm

Thread: "i think i have bug"

Today, 12:44pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:44pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:44pm

Post in thread: "I didnt get bonus valor for 100 points in worlds war event"

Today, 12:44pm

Post in thread: "Cannot Get Into Arena Grouped"

Today, 12:44pm

Thread: "trouble upgrading pet... hedgehog"

Today, 12:43pm

Post in thread: "How to get support"

Today, 12:43pm

Thread: "Unable to deliver arena badges"

Today, 12:43pm

Thread: "Can the item list in Library get translated back to English?"

Today, 12:43pm

Thread: ""correct" trade may sometimes look like a fraud?"

Today, 12:43pm

Thread: "A question about SMS payment (when buying diamonds)"

Today, 12:43pm

Post in thread: "Problem with Lucky Star banner at top of Hunt screen"

Today, 12:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:43pm

Thread: "Help please"

Today, 12:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:43pm

Post in thread: "Pet Essences"

Today, 12:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:43pm

Thread: "Elixir Problem...:("

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Game Administration Forum - Guidelines"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Amulet of Call"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Snowball Fight"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Alchemist recipe strong elix of Wind"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Instance Map for DH can not be opened"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Client Freezing"

Today, 12:42pm

Post in thread: "The loss of quest item"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Ludial Chain Link issue"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Battlefields 2.0 questions"

Today, 12:42pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:42pm

Post in thread: "Mix up with Ostep at Workshop"

Today, 12:42pm

Thread: "Attack from monsters that are apparently invisible"

Today, 12:41pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:41pm

Thread: ""correct" trade may sometimes look like a fraud?"

Today, 12:41pm

Thread: "The Journey to the End of the Rainbow"

Today, 12:41pm

Post in thread: "valor question"

Today, 12:41pm

Thread: "problem loading up fghts"

Today, 12:41pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:41pm

Thread: "BloodBattles Bug"

Today, 12:40pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:40pm

Post in thread: "Cave tournament for wariors 21.11.2010"

Today, 12:40pm

Thread: "Compass error"

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: ""correct" trade may sometimes look like a fraud?"

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: "Suspicus Charecter"

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: "Healing Lv9+ wounds"

Today, 12:39pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: "21:06 You have completed the quest Crime of the Century."

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: "Arena 2.0 - did not end when we were 5 / 3"

Today, 12:39pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:39pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: "Unable to enter CC"

Today, 12:39pm

Thread: "not able to start friday the 13 quest !!"

Today, 12:39pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 12:39pm

Post in thread: "superblow problem"