Cold wind is ruffling the garlands, birds are flitting away from the balloon in astonishment, and the basket loaded with gifts is creaking pitifully. Don’t worry, the reliable balloon will get you to your destination in time, even if all the roads are snowed over today.
Peaceful villages are immersed in the festive bustle. People there are hurrying to visit, setting tables, sorting out presents. The inhabitants have nothing to fear - they are safely guarded. A valiant warrior is out on New Year's watch, and the Great Dragon himself, the patron of the coming year, is guarding the peace of Ogriy together with him.
The deeds of this warrior are so impressive that even the Bewitcher and Gloomslayer, who have seen a lot, agree to name him a true hero! He has completed the entire series of Challenges, and now proudly wears the vestment of the Chosen.
This warrior knows how to enjoy life and find pleasure in everything he does. On the festive night this charming fellow will certainly be the centre of attention; he’ll gather his friends, acquaintances, and pretty girls around him to celebrate the New Year in a big way.
Над головой - сто подземных этажей Лабиринта, коридоры которых уже усеяны сраженными отродьями тьмы. На расстоянии удара клинком - проклятая королева, не желающая мирно упокоиться в этом гигантском склепе. Судьба мира Эргам зависит от исхода этой схватки!
