Her blades are like lightning, striking down even the fiercest spawn of darkness. This monster hunter will take on any dangerous job. And woe to those who try to get greedy on the payment!
Вдвоем против самых страшных порождений Фэо! Леди Мария из мира Эргам прикрывает спину доблестной магмарке в битве с тварями, которых подняла из могил проклятая королева Селеста. Победу вырвать нелегко, но союз двух воительниц не отступит!
Долгое путешествие ждало бесстрашную дочь Хаира, переступившую порог родного мира. Широкие улицы великого Эргама, сотни подземных этажей Лабиринта, запутанные катакомбы, населённые ужасающими созданиями... Но всё это уже позади, и финальная битва с проклятой королевой прославит магмарскую воительницу в веках!
Подарки продолжают прибывать — скоро в комнате для них не останется места! Что поделать, всякий на Хаире мечтает угодить этой умнице и красавице, настоящей принцессе новогодних праздников.
Её внешность слепит сильнее блеска волн в лучах полуденного Мирроу. Но человеческим глазам долго любоваться ей не придётся – абордажная сабля этой воительницы разит ещё надёжней, чем красота.
Доблестные воительницы Хаира всегда отличались красотой, храбростью и боевым мастерством. И в дни 14-летия Фэо эта прекрасная дева не осталась в стороне! А когда все праздничные испытания пройдены и враги сокрушены — самое время выслушивать поздравительные речи и принимать подарки от почитателей.
Лёгкая тень опускается на прекрасное лицо, когда она видит строй врага или город, закрывший перед ней ворота. Всё закончится как обычно — небо почернеет от стервятников, поля станут братскими могилами, а над непокорной крепостью поднимутся языки пламени.
Что это за новая звезда взошла на заоблачной ярмарке гномов?! Завсегдатаи удивлённо чешут бороды и качают головами. За долгие столетия гномы совсем отвыкли от красоты магмарских воительниц!
The warrior threw the light curtain aside and entered the sorceress's chamber. Dazzled by her beauty, he knelt and offered her a rose. He had never been so afraid. Of course, she would throw him out, for this was madness! The warrior was already about to leave when he felt the warmth of her hand on his cheek and the tenderness of her breath on his lips. And then he understood that he had gained true happiness.
It was already time to descend to the festive feast, but the beautiful Magmar lingered at the top. She admires the snow-covered rooftops of Khair and dreams of the future, while the Great Dragon stands silent as a statue, the snowflakes melting away from his fiery breath.
The mountain of Mystras is sacred to the genies, who have been erecting altars in its caves since time immemorial. The Magmar warrior hasn’t come such a long way across the seas for nothing - there are great mysteries and mystical gifts awaiting her here.
The Challenges are done; Asseliander and Ulvarno nod their heads in appreciation. Who would have thought that warrior ladies could be found on Khair who could complete all the tasks to the last one?! There’s a special reward for such a heroine - an outfit replicating the formidable appearance of the Chosen.
The balloon’s basket almost grazes the tops of the frost-laden trees. Below, the lights of the cozy villages of Khair are flickering and the northern lights illuminate the sky. There’s a festive mood, with the New Year breeze carrying you all the way!
The elegant female figure in the sand looks like a mirage walking between radiating heat waves. But her sharp arrow flying down from the peak of a dune quickly proves she is no illusion!
This warrior is not afraid of any challenges.
Even those creatures who don't have bodies cannot escape her vindictive dagger. Sincere vengeance lights her way.
Seeing the Great Dragons in their merciless combat led this lovely she-warrior to take up her weapon once more. Look out, humans, many of you will end the day a whole head shorter!
Even the cautious Eldrick left the cover of the forest to admire the beauty of this maiden. Plenty of worthy Faeo warriors also dream about her!
Who can resist not giving treats to this cute witch? Now her pumpkin is full of sweets, and her loyal hedgehog is sad because he himself didn't think of such a good costume.
The beautiful warrior is able to tame even the young of the fierce Zigreds.
Where a lone hunter is bound to fail, two can thrive and add the skull of the mighty beast to their trophies.
Fire treats her like a loyal pet. But if you come across this sorceress in battle - you will want to hide from her fiery charms at the bottom of the sea.
This cheerful beauty is a welcome guest at any party; she’s always in the centre of attention. On the New Year celebrations this charming girl will gather lots of warriors and she-warriors around her to share her high spirits and have fun time.
You will live through the new year the same way you see it in! Winter festivities are a perfect opportunity to be with the loved ones and have fun time with friends non-stop.
A snow-white bird always accompanies this skilled sorceress, who uses all her power to help the weakest inhabitants of Faeo, suffering from the brutal cold.
Ahead of the Night of the Grinning Pumpkin, this red-headed protector of Khair can allow herself to use magic for fun and forget about the hardships of battle for a while. It is no surprise that the tavern regulars look at her with admiration.
Shadow gives her the strength to crush enemies and protects her from enemy spells, but even the almighty darkness cannot conceal the beauty of this sorceress.
While hunting the shewolf, you won't notice how you yourself become prey.
