"It had been a dark and stormy autumn day on the coast at Virigiya, grey clouds hastened over the sky as if they were fleeing from something terrible. Few fishermen had risked the sea that day, and most of those who had were returning in the afternoon with no fish at all – the ocean had refused to give up its treasures. And when evening came the sky turned blood red and in the west Mirrow set the horizon ablaze. This was the scene when the cries went up: "Magmars!" In front of the red horizon innumerable black dots were now visible, getting bigger by the minute. Before long their battle cries could be heard, carried on the wind that drove the battle barges before it. "To arms! To arms!" the Human guards shouted at their fleeing people as realization dawned: They were outnumbered in any event. The Magmar warriors stormed up the beach, their bodies aflame, and slew everyone in their path. And as they crossed the shore the real fighting began.
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