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 Find the Spies of your Enemies09.08.2011 08:40

Warfare is not only about fighting, it is also about tactics and about finding out what tactics your enemies use. So in the war between  Humans and  Magmars spies from both sides play a crucial role.  Commander Norias and  Centurion Mekden have recently spotted spies nearby and are worried that they might pose  a grave danger. Can you help eliminating them?

 Commander Norias in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Centurion Mekden in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons 

The spies are not extremely strong but they might be difficult to find. So this is a job for the younger warriors of the levels 2 to 5. They should speak to  Commander Norias or  Centurion Mekden to find out how to help. Their task is not only to kill the spies but to find as much information as possible about why spies have recently come to the area around the  Smoky Knolls and the  Free Meadows and what their plans are.

The quests Find the Human Spies and Find The Magmar Spies are available for warriors of the levels 2 to 5 and can be repeated once every month.  Magmars should speak to  Commander Norias,  Humans should speak to  Centurion Mekden.

Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. Bracelhas 09.08.2011 15:47
2. D3v1l lt 09.08.2011 15:47
2-5 =(
3. _Onslaught_ 09.08.2011 15:47
Cool! Let's see what we can make of this. :)
4. -Dullahan- 09.08.2011 15:48
whats the reward. city reps????
5. DutchWolverine 09.08.2011 15:49
Nice! Let's kill some spies!
6. Alamus 09.08.2011 15:50
Oh well - I presume something new will be coming for us higher levels at some­ point.
7. pampi 09.08.2011 16:39
2-5 not good((
8. Shotgundan102 09.08.2011 18:00
any humans that have done this quest plz help me ...plz :{
9. JeckaBeka 09.08.2011 18:25
17:24 You have completed the quest Find the Magmar Spies. ^_^
10. -PressBox- 09.08.2011 19:46
yaaay moore stuff to do. love these awsome rewards u get lollol
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