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 Forged on Fire!07.03.2018 13:00


Forged on Fire!

“Why are you staring in the sky?” the child asked the Elder. The Elder drew his attention from the Faeon night sky to the little child and said mildly, “Should you not be in bed, young one?”

“I cannot sleep,” the child replied. “What is in the night sky, Elder?”


The Elder looked at the child for a long moment, then nodded and had the little boy sit next to him. “In the past, every year the Ancient Gods would send the sign of the ruler down to Faeo. This sign was to be forged in the holy fires of winter's farewell and everyone who carried this sign was protected from evil thoughts. During the years of Chaos, however, the Gods forgot about it. But now there is knowledge that the Gods have decided that the people have waited long enough for it. Tonight is the night where this year’s sign is supposed to be revealed.”

Looking at the Elder with big, bright eyes, the boy asked, “Can I sit and wait with you here, pretty please? I will be really quiet! Pleasssseee!"


The Elder smiled and said, “Go and tell your parents about it and then you can sit with me.” The boy scuttled away and returned shortly. Upon arrival, he quietly placed himself next to the Elder and both stared at the sky. How long they sat there no one could tell. Suddenly the boy jumped up and pointed at an increasing fiery light up in the sky. It became so intense, that even the Elder began to shake with excitement. It was a great spectacle to watch the fire twirling and forming, changing shape, until finally a sign appeared crystal clear in the sky: The Ruler's Sword!


This event happened last night. Now the Elders in the capitals call their blacksmith and artists to work. Their task is to forge the Ruler's Sword 2018 in the holy fires of winters farewell, which are now about to start.



Are you up for the challenge?


Your task:

Design and create the Ruler's sword 2018 as an image or sculpture. As the winners sword will be also created as a gift, which can be bought in the gift shops after the event, a great love to detail and beauty is requested. 

Further you should provide a short gift description as any of the gifts are having.

Sample of a gift and description (you only have to provide a description with your art work!):





07.03. - 21.03.2018

Post your entries before 21.03.2018 15h00 game time




The Jesters will choose the finalists and create a poll.


21.03 - 25.03.2018

The community will choose the winners via a poll.

Poll will be closed on the 25.03.2018 at 15h00 game time






Terms and Conditions 


  • This is a contest for individual players.
  • The drawing/sculpture including description can not contain any explicit sexual material or rude, shocking content.
  • The drawing/sculpture including description must comply with the game and forum/chat rules, which can be found here: Game Rules and Forum Rules.
  • The drawing/sculpture including description should be unique within the project "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons" and must be of your own property. Copyrighted material may not be submitted.
  • The drawing/sculpture should be made very detailed and clear.A simple sketch or draft will not meet the criteria.
  • Real world national symbolism may not be contained on the drawing/sculpture.
  • Religious symbols may not be contained on the drawing/sculpture.
  • The drawing/sculpture including description should be designed so that it looks and feels like they belong within the fantasy universe of "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons". You may not use references to common everyday motives/objects like mobile phones, modern guns, modern vehicles; signs of currencies, pacifism, radioactivity; references to real-world sport teams, among other references that fit poorly within the genre.
  • Fascist, nationalistic, racist and any other political symbolism may not be used.
  • Imagery related to narcotics, drugs, slavery and other illegal activity may not be used.
  • Only entries who meet the requirements will be rewarded.
  • Image size should be 500x500 pixel and description no more than 100 words.








Winners design will be created as a gift which will be sold in the gift shops for the rest of the year.
















*All finalist who did not get into the TOP3

**All other participants who meet the requirements.




 We wish good luck to all participants and may the new Sword of the Ruler protect Faeo from evil thoughts!


Author: Lisad, editor note: Lisad

1. DeCrypt 07.03.2018 22:16
Mmmm.... the prizes are not so inviting :( can you improve them a bit more?
2. -_Stephany_- 10.03.2018 04:17
boring, we need GB
3. its1715 11.03.2018 07:28
so is it a drawing contest?
4. -Fallen- 13.03.2018 10:15
This is contest where you get your talanted friend to make it and you get­ rewards for doint nothing
5. _Morgana_ 15.03.2018 21:29
Only -Fallen- would be rude and salty enough to try and discredit contestants­ and their art and suck the fun out of these events. Stay Classy!

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